Reading back through the past few entries, I am slightly worried to see that almost every time I write anything up here I manage to squeeze in something about One Tree Hill... not even very subtly. In fact I think it's safe to say that my last entry was based entirely on it. So you'll probably be happy to know I have now decided to make a conscious effort to seem a little less crazy and move onto actual real life! A scary thought, I know, but I think it's for the best.
So I thought one good way of doing this would be to give you a list of some strange/exciting/funny things I did this past week or so.
Also, just a quick little side-note: quite a few of you lovely people have told me privately that you like keeping up with my bloggage. If this is the case and you aren't actually 'following' it, please take the couple of minutes to make an account and do so! Not only would I love to see who actually reads (and bump up my measely 9 followers of course), and have you be able to comment if you feel inclined to, but I also think you should all also check out some other bloggeroos on here because some of the ones I follow are pretty darn good. More about them another time.
Anyhoo! Hope you are all having a great week wherever you are: here is my list of wacky shizz i've been up to. Enjoy!
1) Wrote a poem about canine teeth. Genuine set homework for an english class. Written from the perspective of the tooth. Poem itself may be provided upon request, but trust me it's not the most captivating read.
2) Got a tattoo of the Australian flag on my wrist. Ok well it was a stick-on one, but had you going there though didn't I? This was in honour of Australia day yesterday, and with such a ridiculous Aussie proportion in Alexander Global Village, we of course had to have a little celebration- consisting of some beautiful cakey goods and a quiz on Australian slang. I learn the words 'arvo' and 'budgie-smugglers'. A great experience all round.
3) Went to the gym for the first time. Not ever, but the first time in the NC State one. Now we get free entry, and the front door of the building is no more than 25 steps from the front door of Alexander. And we have been here three weeks. Pretty awful effort, especially since we have all vowed to shed the pounds for Spring Break. Plus I only stayed about half an hour. Oh well.
4) Collected a package from home, and somehow, on the 3 minute walk home, lost it. What can I say. The search is still underway. It was from Jim, bless him- apparently contained chai tea and it smelled freaking amazing. For the 10 seconds that I actually held it.
New Development- Package found and anonymously posted in my mailbox! Hurrah! Chai tea in bed proving to be the best feeling in the world ever.
5) Got dropped on my head by a Frenchman. The only way I can possibly explain how I managed to achieve 4). Have felt the effects mentally ever since.
And finally, one last thought to leave you with. This humorous little sight I found pinned up proudly on a wall the other day: priceless misquote of possibly the most famous speech in American history.