Thursday, 24 March 2011

And the sky was so much bluer

"Agricultural Awareness Week" at NCSU

...I don't think we're in Manchester anymore.

Listening to: "First Love" by Emmy the Great
Listen here.

Saturday, 19 March 2011

The Spring Break Experience

Nicola, Nat, Jin-nee, Megan, Emily, Amy P, me, Kate and Amy L with Jonny on Ben's boat in Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Well, Spring Break has come and gone... and with it we 9 girls made up of 5 Aussies and 4 English have successfully acquired a hefty collection of crazy stories. Along with, of course, some interesting tan lines and a LOT more body issues than before (it seems the girls in the Bahamas had hit the gym a lot harder than us in preparation for the beach). 

But an unforgettably amazing time all in all!

Fort Lauderdale: Emily, me, Nat, Nicola, Amy L and Amy P

Highlights included: 

Spending a day on a boat in Fort Lauderdale, VIP in a club in Miami, seeing my friend Jonny from home for the first time properly in far too long, a 5 hour booze cruise to the Bahamas wasted cowering in the cinema room with Emily, a packet of crisps and a throbbing hangover, a beach party and bonfire, and just generally being able to relax in the sun all day every day with the most fantastic group of ladies.

Low points would unfortunately have to be summed up by being woken up hourly by Megan throwing up into a bucket in Fort Lauderdale, not remember anything from an entire night and enduring a 21 hour train journey from Florida back up to North Carolina whilst sat in front of a middle aged woman who was clearly high as a kite- and not afraid to show it.

Amy L on the cruise to Gran Bahama

Gran Bahama Island

Amy, Nicola and Megan

Back to reality in Raleigh once again, but thankfully the weather is beautiful so it's good to be back home. 

Already planning the next trip away for easter weekend...

Listening to: Caledonia by Ruth Notman
Beautiful song- have a listen here

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

I don't mind wasting my time with you

Another beautiful hot Sunday on Hillsborough Street, the main road that runs through campus. Student budget heaven for bagels, pizza, greek food and my beloved Global Village- the best coffee served with the biggest smiles.

Countdown to Spring Break: 3 days. Sanity wearing thin.


Listening to: 'Waste Of Time' by Seerauber Jenny.
Listen here.